Alaskan pollock (pollock, water, sodium acid pyrophosphate), Cauliflower, Water, Milk ingredients, Canola oil, Isolated soy protein, Concentrated lemon juice, Modified starch (corn, tapioca or potato), Methylcellulose, Butter, Romano cheese (milk, salt, bacterial culture, lipase, calcium chloride, microbial enzyme, cellulose), Xanthan gum, Salt, Soy lecithin, Onion powder, Garlic powder, Herbs, Spices.
Goberge d Alaska (goberge, eau, pyrophosphate acide de sodium), Chou-fleur, Eau, Substances laitières, Huile de canola, Protéine de soya isolée, Jus de citron concentré, Amidon modifié (maïs, tapioca ou pomme de terre), Méthylcellulose, Beurre, Fromage romano (lait, sel, culture bactérienne, lipase, chlorure de calcium, enzyme microbienne, cellulose), Gomme de xanthane, Sel, Lécithine de soya, Poudre d'oignon, Poudre d ail. Herbes, Épices.
Diet Coding
No dietary information available
Cooking Guidelines
Cook to a minimum internal temperature of 74°C
Faire cuire jusqu'à ce que la tempèrature interne attigne 74°C
Serving Size
Pack Size
24 x 100gr
Portions Per Case